Monday, December 25, 2006


The Times of india is probably one of the most irritating papers I have come across. No I am not going to aimlessly dish them for their P3 stuff and other such things which have been said on numerous occasions in the past. The damned paper actually carries some very good articles, very readable and very significant. The only problem is that one actually has to play a toned-down treasure hunt every morning and find the damned articles. The other day I read an artivle about some guys here who have shot n entire movie using a cell phone, now though I have read similar things on blogs andon the internet, never in a mainstream newspaper. Swaminomics, is another example. And during the `brave' struggle of the poor upper-class who were being ruthlessly trampled upon during the OBC quote issue, Times was one of the few papers who carried editorials and op-ed pieces in support, while other said some random bull-shit.
Damn paper all the muscle-power. Wonder if they are saving up to start the revolution?
Gool Duck

Views - The elite canine

It was a fine and dandy day in what? I really don't know why I wrote that, must remember to beat fists on the wall and head with a plate to contemplate the meaning of that question.
On to other things, I found a brahmin dog the other day - it was fascinating.
My friend S and I were enjoying a cup of steaming, ginger filled tea a few days ago at our usual morning tea haunt. S has this strange affection for animals, all animals, not many humans but definitely animals, so when this poor, mangy looking, half starved dog trotted past us. S immediately let out a low whistle and then began some noises generated by sucking air through his teeth - all to attract the mutt's attention. When it failed, I decided to help my friend and both of us started whistling like a scorpions `winds of change' sonata.
The mutt heard our desperate cries and waddled up to us, wagging tail and all. S was eating a biscuit at the time and had just taken a bite, when the dog arrived at our feet. S took the bitten piece of biscuit out of his mouth and gave it to the dog. The reaction was astounding; the dog sniffed, rolled his eyes and walked away.
Undaunted, S decided to try again. This time S gave the mutt a whole biscuit. Furious tail wagging, and tongue hanging. The mutt came up, gently took the biscuit and walked away a small distance, jumped atop a parapet, walked around the biscuit like it was a ritual and began feeding,.
The damned dog was a brahmin dog, it refused to eat food that had been salivated upon. I wonder if it left a little bit for the crows or other birds.
Sigh. we have chanced upon strange times, if it wasn't enough that we were all ritualistic and stuff, DOGS?
Gool Dight

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


A cat came to me the last night and started mewing like it was auditioning to be a Brittney Spears understudy. She (the cat, who I have aptly named Himmesh) also happened to be pregnant…the similarities between the cat and Spears suddenly struck me like the reverse thrust of a humming birds wings beating furiously against my upper cranium. Spears screams and shouts and supports Bush and according to the times of India has been pregnant several times. The cat screams and shouts, pisses on a bush and has been pregnant several times. The coincidences in nature alarm and amaze me from time to time.
About the encounter: Luckily it was pregnant and sllow and i managed to slam the door on her face, narrowly escaping death. She just waits utside my door....patiently, waiting to attack.... she's not domestic i tell you...she's a concrete jungle cat and dangerous...Gool Duck


Baroda is fast metamorphosing into something else. Real estate rates are up, crime is up and abouve all the money in the city is up. And the clincher, Vadodara Central is to open here soon, the construction is done, we're waiting for some Bhajap fellow to come and inaugrate it. Another indicator I have come across is the change in the art scene here, gone are the days when all the stalwarts, rebels and revolutionaries were being shaped in Baroda. If the art market cannot come here, then take it to bombay and delhi seems to be the catch phrase around here. Fine arts students who earlier had to struggle, now chill out paint something, market it in BBY or DEL, and viola...kaching...let the money roll.
The objective of the piece was to bring to the attention of whoever is reading this, the concretization of Baroda district. Now with the NURM projects, the lakes in and around the city are going to be the revenue getters. B told me that it was all about land and a state's responsibility to make their opwn money.
The passive are now becoming dangerously active, active with dollars, pounds and rupees.... people are becoming like the cat mentioned above...docile till they see the opportunity...the disadvantage of not being completely least there, you expect a dirty game...Sigh..Goon Dight