Monday, November 27, 2006


After covering crime for a mere two months I already have my abuses ready about them.
Its ridiculous the way cops have to work, there is no scope for even minute good work...forget all dreams of Shiva - the movie i.e - If perchance an honest cop manages to enter the force, then the best that can be expected from him is not to accpet any level, the honest cop will not arrest a fellow officer, providing that a charge against the officer is actually produced. At the IPS level even, officers cannot touch other officers...however, when the courageous, fourth pillar of democracy and the purveyors of doom scream for blood and bare fangs and while a little, somebody ahs to get the short end of the stick...So what do our vardhi dudes do? Why, they catch some junior level officer usually a head constable or above till the PI and suspend him...oh god the horror of being suspended, the horror of the change in the force, a suspension...gadzooks...thats really gonna affect lives and the yoda, obi-wan and the other jedi said...may the force be with you, rather may the farce be with you.
Gool duck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting view... put across as an abuse though.
And i think you could have should have written a lot more.
its not just about honesty and corruption and by now you know that (since you are also covering courts), it is the whole concept of legality of proceedings and the way the system works.
I think me or we if i may be at a liberty to include you, in our naivety in some way or the other actually hoped that things work in a vacuum... that law is not effected by the "common knowledge" to that great an extent unless there is a high level politician involved...
But the whole futility of it is much more deep rooted and the way things work is turning out to be quite outside my comprehension.
Cause it is not the corruption alone any more.